Theft / Robbery Case Results
Theft and robbery involve many different types of circumstances, each involving the unpermitted taking of another's property, even if for just a short period of time. The cases include petty theft, such as shoplifting, all the way to armed robbery, where intimidation, force and weapons are used. Petty theft, a misdemeanor, is stealing items with a value under $900, the California statutory limit separating it from grand theft. Other types of theft cases include identity theft, receiving stolen property and burglary. Whatever the charge, our office has the experience in handling your type of case with skill and proficiency.
For your convenience we have categorized our Theft & Robbery results to give our reader a clearer understanding of the cases our firm has handled previously.
COMPLETE LIST OF OVER 95 THEFT / ROBBERY CASESAccordingly, it has special significance for potential employers, citizenship eligibility, college applications and applications to rent housing.
For these reasons, we at Greg Hill & Associates take these cases perhaps more seriously than even our clients. We understand that the prosecutor often believes our client has committed the offense many times over successfully before finally being stopped. Therefore, it is not uncommon to encounter a prosecutor who is more zealous than usual.
The case may be a simple shoplifting offense or a more complex accounting fraud or even a strong arm robbery. Regardless, it is imperative from our perspective to identify the evidence that is helpful to our case and plan our defense strategically to always maintain credibility with the prosecutor.

In Los Angeles County, as of January 1, 2015, there is a new pilot program effective until January 1, 2020 that allows a judge, over the prosecutor’s objection, to order diversion for qualifying individuals, mostly low-level misdemeanors such a shoplifting. If the client successfully completes the program, he or she may ask the judge to withdraw their plea and dismiss the complaint. The program is called AB 2124 and provided for at Penal Code §§ 1001.94 to 1001.98. An attorney may seek this program by filing a motion for imposition of diversion. We have done this and had such motions granted.

Certain theft and robbery cases are too serious for reduction under Proposition 47. The charges may involve residential burglary, which is a strike offense, robbery with the use of a weapon and embezzlement or theft involving thousands of dollars. Depending upon the client’s criminal history and the case facts, various motions may be appropriate to file to help the client and improve the plea bargain. The may include a Romero motion to strike a strike on the client’s criminal history for purposes of sentencing, a Pitchess motion to reveal the officers personnel history of falsifying documents, coercing confessions and racial profiling, as well as a motion for discovery to get a court order for the prosecution to produce documents that it is withholding.