Hermosa Beach Police Department
540 Pier Avenue
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

Los Angeles County
Sharon Papa, Police Chief

(310) 524-2750
(310) 318-0360
General Information
(310) 318-0306

About: The Hermosa Beach Police Department is responsible for preserving the peace, preventing crime and disorder by protecting life and property and the personal safety within the community through the enforcement of state laws and city ordinances, education and community services, all of which are accomplished by giving due consideration to efficient, economical and timely operations. They are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.The City of Hermosa Beach was incorporated in 1997. The police department had a small and varied start with one employee first noted in city records as E.L. Ferriel the city Marshall in 1908. There are 39 sworn personnel who service the mile and a half beach and the downtown area.
Below is the Google Map to the Hermosa Beach Police Department.