If you want to read about our child molestation and lewd acts cases, please click on the case summaries to read a detailed description below.
Chula Vista, Our Client Age 14, Victim Age 6, No File
Los Angeles, Our Client Age 13, Felony lewd Act, Probation
Torrance, Police Sting Operation Online, PC 288.4, 60 Days
Compton, Our Client 19, Victim 15, 90 Days in County Jail
Los Angeles, Statutory Rape, Six Counts, Eight Years Prison
Los Angeles, Sixty-Two Year Old Client, Stepdaughter Victim
Ventura, Ten Years of Alleged Sexual Abuse, Six Years Prison
Westminster, Male on Male Statutory Rape, No Filing of Case
Long Beach, Filming Stepdaughter in Shower, Misdemeanor
Pomona, 18 Year Old Has Sex with 13 Year Old, 180 Days
Los Angeles, Child Molestation, Plea to False Imprisonment
The above case results should not be viewed as a guarantee of a particular result in your case, as no two cases are factually identical, with the same judge and the same prosecutor.
However, the results above can help the reader know what can happen and what to expect in this delicate, emotionally charged allegation. In such cases, the parents of the child allegedly molested often are actively lobbying the police to prosecute our client to the fullest extent of the law, sometimes with ambiguous motives.

One common event in such cases is a pretext call by the alleged victim to our client. This type of call sometimes, and unfortunately, takes place before our client calls us. The victim will call the client with the police nearby, taping the phone call and listening in. The goal of the call is to have the suspect admit that he or she did molest the child and that he or she apologizes or feels bad about having done this. The call may start innocently enough, often with, “Hello, Joe, I just wanted to call you and let you know I feel really bad about what happened between you and me. I can’t sleep and I don’t want to eat much anymore.” The client then may feel some form of sympathy for the child and express sympathy. The client may then even apologize, but often just to end the call and terminate the conversation. It can be a big setback for the client.
Another common issue is documentary evidence such as e-mails, voicemails, videos, texts and even letters between the client and the alleged victim. These can be twisted and often taken out of context, so it is critical that the client preserve these for counsel to review and understand in their full context.
Torrance Superior Courthouse
Above all in such cases is the dual specter of prison and registering for life as a sex offender under Penal Code § 290. Adding salt to the wound is the fact that in sentencing for sex offenses, sentences typically run consecutive, not concurrent, meaning the sentence can be well over fifty years very quickly when there are more than five or six charges. In addition, when the client is released from prison, he or she may be reviewed for civil commitment as a sexually violent predator, which has its own additional commitment in a state mental hospital.
This is why it is absolutely critical to have the most experienced and most qualified criminal defense attorney on your side in these cases. The stakes can be very high.
Contact us.