California Highway Patrol - Fort Tejon Office
1033 Lebec Road
Lebec, CA 93243
Kern County
(661) 248-6655
Non-Emergency Calls
Areas Served: Interstate 5, 1300 square miles of freeway, roadway and unincorporated areas of 3 counties. This includes 400 miles of country roads and over 20 miles of Interstate 5.
About: The Interstate 5 is a major thoroughfare to and from for Southern California. It has a large amount of commercial vehicles traveling each day. The CHP Fort Tejon pride themselves on the emphasis of safety and visibility through the grapevine. During winter, the CHP work closely with Cal Trans to report weather conditions and keep the freeway open during storms. The grapevine area (I-5 from Fort Tejon to Grapevine Road) has a 6% grade that is highly traveled by motorists.
Below is the Google Map to the CHP Fort Tejon Office.